Category Archives: Interviews

M. Stacks Interview with Gowhere Hip Hop

Ah yes! A lovely visit from producer M.Stacks to the Chi. Luckily, we both made time to linger around the city and have a sit down before his show with Boldy James. The weather was in perfect form to talk about the music industry (sunny and windy, of course).

During our casual interview after breakfast, we talked about the big name artists he produces for. These artists include Wiz Khalifa, Juicy J, Curren$y, Mac Miller, Naledge, Chicago’s very own GLC and many more. What an lifestyle that is. Being able to work for so many talented rappers must be ridiculous. I would say that’s pretty awesome! M. Stacks also talks about starting young, social media, his big influence (you’ll never guess), and more.

His upcoming work of art #CONNECTEDEVERYWHERE2 is being released on July 13th! It includes plenty of your favorite artists, no need to worry. Keep a look out for it. It’s going to be crazy.

Special thanks to Mr. Brown for linking us up and Govia Radio for the camera work!

Enjoy the interview, friends! And don’t forget…Gowhere You Love.

Featured Interview: 18 year old Eli Saf

As I have been writing and doing a lot of things for GWHH it has opened many doors and created a lot of new opportunity for myself and people who have came around me. For a few months now I have been managing 18 year old Bronx rapper Eli Saf. Eli has a very new sound to hip hop and creates his own sound while feeding off old inspiration. Eli is very knowledgable on the game and is also a blog writer as well. He has been featured on many of the blogs that are out there and has even been on some majors, so about a month and a half after he released his project “Kid” it was time to start getting out some interviews. Check out Eli’s Story.

What’s up Eli, tell us who you are and where you are from?

The almighty Sam, whats up? Well, I’m an 18 year old (soon to be 19) pimp from Florida. I’m the youngest of them out here. I got what you need son. Nah but in reality I’m just Eli Saf, an artist that does basically everything. I’ve been to a lot of places but I consider myself to be from New York City since all my family is there. NOT Brooklyn, NOT Harlem, NOT Queens, & NOT SI. NONE of that, THE BRONX is where I’m from but yeah NYC.

Give a little insight on what your music stands for and what kind of sound it has.

My dad describes it as drowsy, slow, depressing but I like it. I like my music dark & I make sure it hits well. Drums are the most important part of the beat to me so yeah. Rashaun helps a lot with the production & ideas so he could be considered my 40 or Young Chop. I’ve heard a lot of people say it sounds like I mix the past with what I’m creating. My music is just me being honest. I just want people to relate to the facts of my life b.

Recently dropping your latest project “Kid” producing most of the project yourself, tell us the inspiration behind the project.

The project was dedicated to my uncle who passed in January & my father. My uncle use to call me Kid. Honestly song for song, the first being “Kid” was about a mixture of things like family, my problems, & a transition in my life. “You & I” was about this party I went to with this girl I wanted to mess around with & it ended up happening so I got inspired! The City was about how Rashaun (one of the producers for the project & one of my best friends) & I got stuck in Philly plus the school shit. “Lowkey” was just me talking shit with Ryshon Jones. All I Need, with my homie Ope was about a night out with my high school crush & some friends…. ohhhh so close. Love You Kid, was about my uncle Dennis who passed & swear without him I wouldn’t have had all this success so far. Luv, (LOL) is about my ex, Hannah & the girls I messed with after we ended. Diploma, is about high school & I barely graduated b. Revenge, the first song I made was out of pure anger. Last Young Kingz, originally had verses on it but I didn’t like it so I put some inspiring Jay-Z interview on the Vince Scxtt beat.

All in all it was an update of my life!

How does your family react to your musical career?

They’re supportive. My dad SWEARS I don’t do anything though. Like he REALLY wants me to make money. I’ll listen to him one day soon though. Other then that they never really understand my accomplishments & why I get so hype. They should of told me I was trash when I first started but I love them.

Is producing and rapping the only things you do regarding music? If no, explain what else you are involved in.

Lowkey I wish it was sometimes. Rashaun & I mix our own stuff too. I own a site called & I write for, its pretty cool sometimes. I do press releases here & there for artist since I have this god like email list. Other then that I HATE the blog game sometimes. Some of these writers think they’re gods.

Explain your thoughts and opinion on the current state of Hip Hop, and where do you see the hip hop culture in the next 10 years.

Sheesh, to me New York lost its touch & New York hasn’t realized its not the center of Hip Hop anymore. I think Hip Hop has become a place of scheming since the internet helped to create that. Labels will come back I think, but new rules will be regulated just like Youtube taking down all indie artist. It’s a shame, but the internet is the future undoubtedly.

Do you feel like within those 10 years your sound will open up a lot of doors for people to seek new opportunity?

I’m hoping earlier! I think it will though.

How do you keep momentum going while finding new and different ways to keep things going, aside from putting out music?

Life happens & as long as I continue to grow, the momentum will continue. My family, boys, & everyday issues contribute to myself wanting more.

What are some of your musical inspirations, such as producers, rappers, videographers, or anything regarding music?

I’m going to say my dad has big part because we’re total opposites. My mom use to play 90’s or throwback songs so I got a lot from that. My friend Devante helped to direct a sound for me. Rashaun inspires me sometimes along with W!LL & D’Andre aka D’Andre The Bitch. Kanye, Drake, Childish Gambino, Jay, Nas, same old as everyone else. To be honest Wiz Khalifa helped me to start rapping.

Without sounding cliché, what do you see being your next move? Or what is the next thing you would like to make happen?

I want a video on MTV but unfortunately the only person I know with that connect is charging $2500 so fuck it. I’ll leave it up to the people & let it happen. I just want my team & I to do numbers. That means new fans, & bigger releases. We’re launching something special this summer though. Other then that the Winter is known to be a good time for me music wise so Rashaun basically motivated me to aim for “The Winter Vol.3” to drop in 2015. All 3 tapes show my progression from 2010 – 2015, it’s crazy how far we’ve come.

Also check out Eli’s recent project “Kid”
